domingo, 23 de julio de 2017

Google And HTTPS: Here’s Why You Should Switch Your Site To HTTPS Immediately

1. Google Chrome and HTTP

To encourage more websites implement HTTPS and to better protect its users, Google Chrome, following Mozilla Firefox is now flagging websites without HTTPS as non-secure.
Starting January 2017, if your website doesn’t use HTTPS, potential users will be warned and recommended not to use your site, no matter if they use Google Chrome search results or your website’s URL.
There still is a difference whether the page contains a password or credit card input fields or not, but as time goes Google plans to mark all HTTP sites as non-secure.
The image on the left represents a page served over HTTP protocol and containing no form fields. The image on the right representing a page also served over HTTP but having a password field (even though in a HTTPS overlay) is immediately marked ‘Not Secure’ by Google Chrome.
What does this mean?
Web users are extremely sensitive to any security warnings, especially from Google products. Very few would go the extra mile and find out if your site actually has password or credit card form fields. Nor would they try to find out what each exact status means and whether there is a real threat or not.
Here is what the updated statuses mean:
Further on it is planned that the warning becomes still more aggressive.

Google informs users that Chrome is going to mark all websites without HTTPS as non-secure.  The message is clear: the sooner you make the switch, the better.

2. HTTPS as a ranking signal

Starting January 2017, Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) connections became a crucial ranking signal for Google Chrome.
What does this mean?
Your site will suffer a drop in rankings if you continue using an HTTP connection, whereas switching your website over to HTTPS will give you a minor boost in rankings.
For now it’s only a very lightweight signal—affecting fewer than 1% of global queries, and carrying less weight than other signals such as high-quality content. But over time, they may decide to strengthen it, because they’d like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPS.

3. How do I implement HTTPS so that I don’t lose search traffic?

All you need is:
  • to buy a valid SSL certificate
  • to properly customize it
  • verify that your purchased certificate is working
The fear of a website becoming invisible to Google Analytics and leading to a drop in search traffic after migrating from HTTP to HTTPS is the most common fear.
Indeed, migration from HTTP to HTTPS involves the loss of referral data. Typically, when one site sends traffic to another, information is sent that identifies the originating site as the source of traffic. This invaluable data allows people to see where their traffic is coming from, and helps spread the flow of information across the Web.
This process stops when traffic flows from an HTTPS site to a non-secure HTTP site. In this case, no referrer data is sent. Webmasters can’t know where their traffic is coming from.
The solution is actually really simple.
A new meta “referrer” tag was designed to help out in these situations.
The meta referrer tag is placed in thesection of your HTML, and references one of five setups on how browsers send referrer information from your site. The five options are:
1. None: Never pass referral data
<meta name=”referrer” content=”none”>>
2. None When Downgrade: Sends referrer information to secure HTTPS sites, but not insecure HTTP sites
<meta name=”referrer” content=”none-when-downgrade”>
3. Origin Only: Sends hosts and subdomain data stripped of the full URL as a referrer, i.e will send just
<meta name=”referrer” content=”origin”>
4. Origin When Cross-Origin:  Sends the full URL as the referrer when the target has the same scheme, host, and port (i.e. subdomain) regardless if it’s HTTP or HTTPS, while sending origin-only referral information to external sites.
<meta name=”referrer” content=”origin-when-crossorigin”>
5. Unsafe URL: Always passes the URL string as a referrer. Note if you have any sensitive information contained in your URL, this isn’t the safest option. By default, URL fragments, username, and password are automatically stripped out.
<meta name=”referrer” content=”unsafe-url”>

Purchasing an SSL certificate

To move to HTTPS, you need to install an SSL certificate. Primarily, you should decide what type of the certificate you prefer. SSL certificates are categorized by protection level and validation method.
Domain Validation.
The most popular, yet least trusted certificates. These are not recommended for commercial purposes. They are issued for single domains only. If you decide to change the domain name, you’ll have to buy it again. The price is from $10 to $30 per year.
Organization Validation.
They provide more trust. They require verification of the actual business or organization that is attempting to get the certificate. Authenticated by agents who check business registry databases hosted by governments as well as the information about the company in the media. The price is from  $40 to $200 per year.
Extended Validation.
Used by most of the world’s leading organizations. To obtain it, organizations and businesses must submit the address of a registered office, registration certificate, operating activities, and trademark. Sites protected with an EV SSL Certificate display a green browser bar to quickly assure visitors that the organization’s legal and physical existence was verified according to strict standards. The price is from $120 to $300 per year.

According to functionality, SSL certificates are classified as:

  • Ordinary SSL certificates
  • Wildcard certificates — use them if you want to implement HTTPS for subdomains, too
  • SAN certificates — use them for several domains.
To migrate to HTTPS you can use a certificate issued by Let’s Encrypt — a free, automated and open certificate authority. Let’s Encrypt certificates are automatically reissued every 3 months.
After the process of installation, verify that your certificate is working properly.
Here are two services that can help:
 verifies that the server is properly protected
SSL-check scans webpages
If a service finds any issue with the server configuration and indicates that you have failed to install intermediate and root certificates, you should solve the problem as soon as possible.

Preparing to switch to HTTPS

To begin, replace absolute URLs with relative URLs in all internal website links, images, videos, JavaScript, CSS and other elements. Relative URLs can or cannot contain a domain name, but they must go without HTTP.
For instance:
http:/ /
http:/ /
You will want to update any custom scripts you may have included so that they point to the HTTPS versions. This also includes 3rd party hosted scripts, otherwise you will get the dreaded mixed content warning.
All internal scripts like javascript and jQuery libraries as well as Google AdWords and Analytics must have relative URLs.
For instance:
<script src=””>
<script src= “//”>

Moving to HTTPS

Manual test

Test how your site works in different browsers and operational systems using a service like BrowserStack.
The color of the URL lock must be green or gray.  Investigate and verify that all external scripts and images work well with HTTPS. If they don’t, it might be a good idea to download such files to re-generate the sitemap.xml file to ensure it contains HTTPs pages and add the HTTPS version of your site to the Google Webmaster Tool.

Set up 301 redirects on your server from the old HTTP URLs to the new HTTPS URLs

Use 301 redirects. A 302 redirect means that the page was temporarily moved, while a 301 means that it was permanently moved.
This step corresponds to transferring your site to another domain. Redirects must not involve intermediary documents. Otherwise, you can seriously hurt your SEO rankings and your site could completely drop out of SERPs overnight.
Set up 301 redirects on your server from the old HTTP URLs to the new HTTPS URLs. Alternatively, you may implement this within the .htaccess if your website is hosted on a server running Apache, or with the appropriate tool on your server. Also, if your site is created with any programming language, developers may implement the same redirection within the site’s code.
Update robots.txt and sitemap.xml with corresponding HTTPS links. Update any hard-coded links or blocking rules you might have in your robots.txt that might still be pointing to HTTP directories or files.
Update your Google Analytics profile URL
  1. Ensure that all “rel=canonical” tags within your HTML point to HTTPS pages.
  2. Update your website URL in social networks, Google Analytics, and any other tracking tools.
  3. Create a new HTTPS entity in Google Webmaster Tools. Remember that Google Webmaster Tools treats HTTP and HTTPS websites as two different entities in WMT.
  1. Try to update valuable external links on websites linking to your content.
  2. Make sure Google can index and serve your content under your new URLs. Read the Google guidelines for more info on this topic.
  3. Monitor the HTTPS website daily with Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics to find any issues Google may be having.

The result

Keep in mind that switching from HTTP to HTTPS may cause fluctuations in traffic and rankings, as a 301 redirect passes between 85-99% of the link juice. The loss of external links that point to your old HTTP version may also cause a temporary decrease in traffic and rankings.
However, traffic and rankings will be back up to the same levels observed after a few months.
Good or bad?
HTTPS implementation seems unnecessary and excessive if your website doesn’t collect sensitive information like passwords and credit card data. Whether you like it or hate it, the market share of Chrome is increasing, so webmasters and website owners don’t really have a lot of options. And, it is a significant move towards a more secure Web.

Affiliate Marketing: The Beginner’s Guide To Native Advertising

One of the most important decisions in affiliate marketing is choosing which traffic source to focus on.
There are a ton of places to choose from including adult, Facebook, display, Google, mobile, etc.
I wanna talk about a type of traffic that has been getting a ton of buzz the past few years.
It’s called Native Advertising (Most affiliates just call it Native Ads)
You might’ve seen them around when you’re browsing on different websites.
What’s weird is native advertising has been around forever. Native ads were my biggest traffic sources in 09/10 back when Pulse360 and Adsonar dominated.
And they’ve made a huge comeback in the past two years.
Native advertising is everywhere in 2017, and it’s only getting bigger.
Over $5 billion was spent on native ads in 2016 in the United States alone. This graph from Statista is one estimate of the growth.
There are other estimates that native ad spend will reach $21 billion by 2018.
I don’t know the exact number, but things like this KEEP happening in our industry.
Massive new trends come, affiliates enter the arena, and they make fortunes.
Affiliate marketing will never die, it just changes form.
I wanna introduce you guys to the world of native advertising.
Here’s what I’m going to cover in this post:
  1. Why Native Advertising?
  2. What Is Native Advertising?
  3. What Types of Websites Use Native Ads?
  4. How Do Native Ads Work?
  5. Pros and Cons of Native Ads (From an Affiliate’s Point of View)
  6. What Do Affiliates Run on Native Ads?
  7. What Makes A Good Native Advertising Campaign

Why Native Advertising?

Let’s take a look at this chart.
It says that consumers like native ads far more than other ads, and native ads are likely to outperform traditional banners.
There’s also research that shows native ads have a 53% higher view rate than traditional banner ads.
This is awesome for affiliates because we’re used to people HATING our ads.

What Is Native Advertising?

The “Native” in Native Advertising means:
“The advertisements on a web page appear to be part of the content on that site.”
The ads don’t look like ads, so they perform really well.
When you use native advertising for affiliate marketing, you’ll be making up normal display-style ads, but the content boxes they are in appear to be a part of the site they are on.
When you compare this to traditional online advertising such as display, search, etc. you can see how this is a good thing.
Here’s an example of native advertising on the website
Notice how the ads look almost exactly the same as the website? (Except for the red box I drew around them)
It looks like you could be clicking to another page on the same website.
Also, see how the smaller red box says “Sponsored Link by Taboola”.
That shows you it’s a native ad that is placed by Taboola – one of the big native ad traffic sources (sidenote: Taboola don’t like affiliates…).
Here’s another example of some native ads:
Notice how the images are super emotional (except Matt Damon who is playing it cool).
The ads really make you want to click on them.
It’s basic human curiosity. You wanna know why they are crying/shouting etc. This is a strategy you’ll see a lot of affiliates use if you go further down the native ads rabbit hole.
Native advertisers run on sites that have great content and user engagement, so native ads have to be super compelling to pull people away from what they are reading.

What Type of Websites Use Native Ads?

Here are the main types of websites that native ads run on, with an example:
You can do manual spying on sites like the ones above to see what sort of verticals/offers people are running in native.

How Do Native Ads Traffic Sources Work Compared to Mobile?

The native sources have a huge database of websites where they will display your ads. We call the owners of the websites where your ads appear “publishers”.
Publishers are large websites such as CrackedBBCThe Onion etc. but there are also hundreds of thousands of smaller sites where your ads will be displayed.

What Native Ad Traffic Sources Do I Recommend?

Optimization of CPA campaigns

Each campaign needs to be updated with new teasers. Optimization is performed to help you understand which teasers are better, and why. To make you see the tendency, and eventually make every teaser and the campaign profitable.

To optimize your CPA campaign follow the steps below:

1)      Give your campaign some time to show the results. You can evaluate the efficiency of campaign not earlier than after 3-5 thousands of clicks.
2)      Analyze the teasers in your campaign. Find those, which get clicks without any conversion (“detracting teasers”) and block them, so they won’t “eat” your budget. Thus traffic after optimization will be delivered through “attracting teasers” (those which attract conversions).
Please mind that minimal amount of clicks per teaser to make a decision regarding its efficiency is 150.
3)      Define Income per Teaser (IPT) with help of the following formula:

  • Simple: IPT = Earned per Teaser – Spent per Teaser
  • Extended: IPT  = (Earned per Teaser) – (CPC*Delivered clicks per Teaser as to MGID stats)
  • 4)     Analyze the results of calculation:

  • If IPT is a positive value – teaser is profitable. Continue rotating it.
  • If IPT is borderline value – maybe higher volume of clicks is necessary to make the decision
  • If IPT is slightly lower the borderline to be profitable – teaser should get more clicks to be judged of.
  • If IPT is a negative value – teaser brings no profit. You should block it.
  • 5)      Apply changes, unblock the campaign (or ask your manager to do this) and wait 3-5 thousand clicks to be delivered to get the results of optimization.
    6)      After you got the results, make a complete analysis of the offer. If the conversion rate didn’t improve since the optimization and each unblocked teaser’s IPT is lower than its CPC, then we suggest finding another offer.


    • Please remember  at the stage of optimization you shouldn’t delete teasers because it’s irreversible. Just block them.
    • Minimal amount of clicks per teaser to make a decision regarding its efficiency is 150.
    • Remember to use MGID delivered clicks statistics, for analysis purposes, as the budget you spend on the campaign is based on MGID statistics.
    • You might find it difficult to get a positive ROI during the whole test campaign, however watch the tendency! If the ROI is going up since the optimization, then it’s going to bring you above the red line eventually and the offer will soon get you profit you’re expecting.

    How to start getting payments in MGID through Payoneer

    MGID - Publishers payouts through Payoneer

    For publishers who wish to receive payments through Payoneer Prepaid Card and Payoneer Bank Transfer, here are the instructions on how to sign up for this payment method.
    1. Log in to your account on the MGID dashboard and go to the Payouts page, there сlick on the button “ADD NEW PAYMENT METHOD”.MGID dashboard - add new payment method
    2. You will see the selection menu “Select type purses”. Choose ‘Payoneer Prepaid Card’ or ‘Payoneer Bank Transfer’, depending on which type of payment method you want to add.MGID dashboard - Select type purses
    3. Final step – add your card or bank details and save. Done – you can easily and comfortably receive your publisher payments! Review of your application by Payoneer can take 2-3 business days, after which you will receive a confirmation email to the address you’ve provided in the application form.Payoneer Setup guide - MGID dashboard

    For more detailed instructions click on Payoneer Setup guide link shown in the image.
    This option is ideal for publishers with newer and lower volume sites, whose traffic revenue has not yet reached a minimum payment threshold. Payoneer allows you to receive any payment amount with a commission as low as $3.

    MGID’s Ultimate Guide: How to Promote Your Website

    Are you looking to further promote your website and user engagement? MGID has identified key trends and industry tactics in this ultimate guide to website promotion and functionality so that you can up your advertising and marketing game quickly. Here are 9 of the most effective marketing channels you can utilize to increase your web presence and promote site usability.
    Search Engine Optimization
    One of the most essential elements needed to promote website traffic is SEO. Publishers can capitalize on SEO by identifying and including keywords that pertain to specific discussion topics, as well as including words relevant to products or an overall industry across all site content. This includes optimizing titles, overall site meta descriptions, and captions to any images with identified SEO keywords.
    Paid Traffic
    Paid advertising has become one of the most common tools in effectively increasing website traffic. There are various types of advertisements and pay-per-click platforms that can be utilized to increase site traffic. An original innovator of paid traffic through the concept of native advertising streamlines publishers’ ability to grow engagement and monetize website traffic through the latest native ad strategies and technologies.
    Content Marketing
    Content marketing is an integral part of any smart advertiser’s strategy for significant website promotion. To effectively utilize content marketing, it is essential to focus on creating valuable, shareable, relevant content on a consistent basis. Various types of content marketing, such as social media, email marketing, and blogging— which will be delved into more thoroughly—can be used in a successful content marketing plans.
    Social Media Marketing
    Whether utilizing the free aspects of social media or paid ads, social media is a prime tactic to increase traffic and engagement on your content. Each platform offers various advertising components that can be leveraged based on your unique content.
    There is no easier way to improve traffic to your website than by increasing your amount of consistently delivered, relevant content. Choosing relevant topics and search engine optimized text are key elements to an effective blog. Additionally, site usability is equally important in ensuring that your audience can easily navigate to content that will impact them the most.
    Email Marketing
    Although email marketing has been around for a while in the advertising world, it is a tried and true method that is still effective in today’s industry. Often overlooked, email marketing and newsletters, when utilized strategically, can be a powerful tool in boosting traffic and generating business leads. Many marketers miss the mark by inundating their audience with a flood of irrelevant, tactless spam. The key to effective email marketing is impressive design, simple and concise text, and relevant, intentional messaging.
    Influencer Marketing
    With the rise of social media and increased access to public figures and celebrities, consumers no longer need to depend on a company to inform or convince them of its own legitimacy or relevance.  Audiences can turn to either their own peers who may be experts in particular subjects, or celebrities who have the popularity needed to sway public opinion. With influencer marketing, advertisers can capitalize on the power of these social influencers to promote websites through word of mouth on social media, compensated testimonials, or celebrity endorsements. What’s important is identifying the right influencers to work with for your brand messaging.
    User Feedback and Discussion
    There is no better feedback for improvement of your site traffic than the demographic that engages with your website the most: your audience. Creating an open line of communication with your site visitors will provide you a gold mine of honest criticism on what content your target audience engages with the most and what site elements they positively react to. Try to create open dialogue by encouraging reviews, testimonials and forum discussions.
    Traffic Analytics
    While all the above tactics are great methods to promote your website, tracking these tools is the ultimate key to improved traffic. By utilizing analytics software like Alexa and Google Analytics, marketers can assess their efforts and fully understand what works, what doesn’t, and how best to execute their overall traffic enhancement plan.

    How to create new MGID mobile ad unit

    Mobile ad unitTo create a mobile ad unit for your website, please, log into your personal Dashboard and add a new widget:
    • Add new widget mw3
    • Choose widget Type 
    • Use default ad layouts (recommended) 
    • mw7to get the code
    • Select a custom combination (from 1 to 3) of ad layouts
    Toaster – ad unit fixed to the bottom of the device screen. Appears when the user scrolls up or doesn’t interact with the site.
    • Set frequency capping by minutes and impressions
    Drag Down – ad unit that appears above the site content when the users scrolls to the very top of the site.
    Interstitial – appears as content recommendation when the user clicks N times on the inner website links.
    • Set frequency capping by interactions
    • Name the widget for easy tracking
    • Select the website where the widget will be installed
    • Choose widget title
    Paste the code into <body></body> of all website pages
    Please note:
    – do not install more than 1 mobile ad unit per page
    – when multiple ad layouts are selected, only the best performing layout will be displayed for each pageview

    sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

    How can I generate traffic for my blog?

    Generating traffic to a blog or website is a topic that often raises a lot of questions. There are different kinds of traffic that you can get to your website, and depending on your niche market, how your target audience is, among other factors, you will have to decide which are the best sources of traffic from which you can attract people interested in The contents you offer.

    I like to classify the different sources of traffic into three classes: free traffic (requires no economic investment to get traffic), paid traffic (requires an economic investment to get traffic), leveraged traffic (requires agreement with another person or Company to get the traffic, since we are going to leverage the traffic she receives).


    They are all those sources of traffic that give us visits that do not require any type of economic investment, but we must take into account that in many cases, to get this traffic we will have to make a personal investment of effort and time to get visits to our website .

    Among the methods of generating free traffic we could count on:

    Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

    The SEO or positioning in search engines will provide you with totally organic visits of search engines like Google, Bing, etc. To achieve this, you have to optimize your website both technically and content so that Google can understand and have the ability to upload positions in the search engine.

    When you want to work SEO, your goal has to be to appear on the first page of Google results, and to really get visitors if you reach the first page, you should be at least in the top 5 results. SEO is something that takes a lot of work and a lot of time, so you would have to create a long term strategy. Although try not to focus solely on SEO to generate traffic.

    SEO is rather unstable because Google's algorithm often changes frequently. Nowadays, it is difficult to try to position you for two or three main keywords, so your goal should be to position your website through hundreds or thousands of long tail keywords.

    Organic Facebook:

    In Facebook you can generate traffic in an organic way in two ways

    1. Through your Facebook page: you have to create a Facebook page (not profile) in which you publish articles and content related to your blog and at the same time you will have to create a audience that reads your posts.

    2. Through Facebook groups: try to find Facebook groups that are related to your niche market. Share information on them such as articles always trying not to spam. You can also answer questions from other people and participate in publications.

    Organic Twitter

    To generate traffic through Twitter in an organic way, you will have to be followed by people who are interested in the type of content you offer. Do not obsess with followers because it counts much more quality than quantity. You have to be very active in posting on Twitter.

    If you have little time, you can use automation tools like Hootsuite or TweetDeck to program some tweets. Try creating tweets that encourage your followers to click on the link you post, for example, if you promote an article.

    Organic YouTube

    YouTube is the second most important search engine after Google. So you should keep that in mind. If someone wants to know something will go to Google first in most cases, and then go to look for YouTube.

    To generate traffic through YouTube, you have to have a YouTube channel in which you frequently publish videos related to the theme of your blog, so that over time you get a hearing. You can record many types of videos, for this you will have to consider what is most appropriate depending on which is your niche market.

    Organic Instagram

    Instagram is a very visual social network, so if you want to generate traffic from Instagram your approach will have to be different. People can click on the bio link in your Instagram profile, but they will not be able to click on other links besides the username.

    You can publish different content, more visual, get followers, publish frequently, people interact with your publications and increase in some way the recognition of your brand.


    To generate traffic through LinkedIn in an organic way you can use your personal profile, you can create a company page that you could use in a similar way to the Facebook page and you can participate in LinkedIn groups related to your niche by publishing articles and responding To questions.

    Google Plus

    In Google Plus you can generate traffic in four different ways:

    1. Through your Google + profile posting your content.

    2. Through a Google+ page where you publish your content.

    3. Through Google + communities sharing your content, interacting with other people, always being careful about spam.

    4. Creating Google+ collections to create collections to publish information related to a specific topic.


    Pinterest, just like Instagram is a very visual social network. You can upload images and link them to your website. You have to go pinning images inside the boards that you create. When people click on the images they will be able to go to your web if you insert the url of your web in the image.

    Questions and Answers Communities

    You can participate in questions and answers communities such as Yahoo! Answers, Quora, TodoExpertos and many more that exist and maybe it is leaving me in the ink. They change a lot from each other, especially by the profile of people who participate in them. So you'll have to consider which ones are most suited to your niche market.

    Simply answer the questions related to your niche and if you see that you can complement the information you have shared in your answer, you can include the link an article in which you explain something related to the question that the user has asked.

    View Forum Posts

    You can participate in forums related to your niche market in which you can answer questions and in your profile you can include a link in your signature. For this, ideally, these forums have many active members, that the members belong to your target audience, that the moderators allow you to place links and allow you to configure a signature with links. You can also share links to your articles if they answer a question from users, but beware of spam.


    You could create a podcast that would come to be like an Internet radio program where you could publish episodes surrounding a theme and in them include calls to action that direct the listeners to your website. People would find you through podcast distribution platforms such as iTunes, iVoox, Stitcher, Spreaker, etc.

    Email marketing

    In order to do email marketing you will have to create a list of subscribers to which the people are going to be giving you generally giving data like their name and their email, and that they are interested in receiving information that you can bring them. This source of traffic will totally depend on you unlike other sources of traffic, since you can directly address people by writing an email.


    They are all those sources of traffic that give us visits and that require an economic investment. Usually they will be faster as opposed to sources of free traffic, but we will have to monitor them frequently and they are working correctly.

    Among the methods of generating paid traffic we could count on:

    Google AdWords

    With Google AdWords you can get traffic in two ways:

    1. Through the search network: These are the ads that appear at the top of Google results when you search for some keyword or phrase.

    2. Through the display network: These are all websites with Google AdSense advertising where you might appear. Content creators show ads on your website and generate revenue for each click that people make on them. That advertising could generate traffic to you if you appear in this network.

    Facebook Ads

    Facebook Ads are Facebook ads. With these ads you can promote texts, images, videos and galleries. Advertising will have to be configured in an ad center that has Facebook, and then, once you have set up the ad, people will start to see it on your Facebook wall for example, although there are other locations.

    Some of the goals of Facebook ads you could use are for example: promoting your posts, attracting people to your website, increasing the reproductions of your video, generating leads for your business, etc.

    Twitter Ads

    With Twitter you can also create ads with Twitter Ads that can be seen as a tweet promoted and reach the type of people you want. Some goals that you can find in Twitter Ads can be for example: tweet interactions, video reproductions, visits to the website, followers or generation of potential clients.

    You can segment the audience just like Facebook Ads and you can target the audience according to their interests and even indicating the Twitter accounts that follow at the moment.

    YouTube Ads

    On YouTube you can promote the videos through YouTube Ads. These ads are configured through Google AdWords and is a very inexpensive way to generate visits, in the vast majority of cases you can pay less than € 0.05 for each person who sees your videos.

    With YouTube Ads, you can show your videos to the beginning of other YouTube videos through InStream videos, which are the ones that usually appear to you when you want to watch a video on YouTube. There is also another type of ad that you can place in the sidebar next to the recommended videos. It is less invasive but you will achieve much less exposure and take longer to produce results.

    Instagram Ads

    Instagram Ads called Instagram Ads are configured from Facebook Ads. You can create ads with images, videos and "carrousel". The ads will have to be generally much more visual given the characteristics of this social network, which is mainly visual.

    As opposed to the publications made in an organic way in Instagram, with the ads of Instagram is that they can click on the ad and go directly to an external link.

    LinkedIn Ads

    LinkedIin Ads is LinkedIn advertising. The advertising on this platform is quite expensive as each click could cost you € 2. Generally, you can take advantage of those businesses that have a high profitability for each customer or that have a high lifetime value.

    LinkedIn, being a social network focused on professionals, has a very large tendency towards the work aspect. So companies often use ads on this platform to offer corporate products / services.

    Yahoo / Bing Ads

    Yahoo / Bing Ads is the union of Yahoo and Microsoft, which allied to somehow counter the power that Google has. With this advertising you can get traffic from the Yahoo search engine, the Bing search engine and all the websites associated with these companies like MSN, Hotmail, etc.


    Are all sources of traffic that give us visits and that require that we somehow have reached an agreement with another professional or company that has a website with more traffic than we, with which we could generally leverage the traffic they Receive.

    Among the methods of generation of leveraged traffic we could count on:

    Author invited in blogs

    You can generate traffic by leveraging the audience that other blogs in your niche have. You can contribute with them with articles made by you. People would know you and could click on the links that lead to your website that is usually included in the author of the article or in a fragment of the text of the article in which you can mention an article in your blog, for example.

    For this you will have to contact other blogs in your niche and ask them if they let you write an article for your blog. When you publish it you can leverage the traffic they receive.


    You could leverage the audience of other companies or professionals by creating strategic alliances or affiliation agreements to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission.

    The difference between an ally and an affiliate is that the ally is like a partner who will work with you in a closer way. Affiliates on the other hand, will promote your products or services in exchange for a commission and will work in a more independent way as if it were a commercial or independent seller.


    You could create a relationship with people who have a podcast about your theme that can give rise to some time that they can invite you to the podcast to do an interview about the topic you try on your blog. The podcasts in which you participate would have to be related in some way to what people will see in your blog.

    Appearing in other podcasts you could leverage the audience that other people already have to let you know and that people who are interested in what you share in the podcast, can go to visit your website.

    Comments on blogs and social networks

    From time to time, you could leave comments on blogs and Facebook pages for example, be read by your target audience so that people can click on your name and even occasionally you can include a link to an article of yours by Example, if the topic of the article you are talking about is related and can help or bring some value to the readers of that blog.

    You have to be careful with spam. Do not leave comments that do not contribute anything. Try to read the content and provide a comment in which you express your point of view on the subject of the article and that somehow you may like the author of the blog.


    You've probably heard of qualified traffic on occasion. When we refer to qualified traffic, what we mean is that the traffic we receive is of quality, meaning that people who come to our website through the source of traffic from which they come, are interested in what we offer.

    The characteristics that have to have the traffic that arrives to your web so that it is of quality, is that this one has a correct segmentation, you have to know to which public you go. Afterwards, you have to have the right proposal, you have to offer something that interests the audience that you address. And lastly, you have to sell at the stage of the correct buying cycle.

    I hope that my contribution can serve you. Now depending on your niche market, you will have to decide which are the most appropriate traffic sources to derive visitors to your website.

    A greeting!